Archives - FEEEDS (General list of Media Appearances, Events, Speeches, FEEEDS Activities, Congressional Testimony etc.)
2020 News Archives
December 2020:
- FEEEDS invited to attend High-Level Dialogue on Food Security on cross-cutting global country level issues to combat hunger and improve sustainable food systems, entitled FOOD+.
FEEEDS participated in Foreign Policy's State of Food Security Summit, which focused on both the challenges and new uses of technology to address global food security issues. Summit was a key event given the recent UN Secretary-General Guieterrez's remarks that as a result of both conflict and COVID 235 million people will need humanitarian assistance as we enter 2021, up 40 percent from last year.
Ambassador Sanders attended a briefing on recent Africa policy and updates on efforts to address the current conflict in Ethiopia, impacting thousands of people, and driving many into Sudan as refugees or within Ethiopia as internally displaced persons (IDPs).
FE3DS was invited to participate in the African Union's (“AU”) AfCFTA Business Forum, which is the African Union’s premier multi-stakeholder platform for Heads of State and Government, private sector leaders, SMEs, civil society, and other stakeholders to explore how intra-Africa trade and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) can develop the continent. This year the focus will be on what the start of trading could mean for Africa’s recovery from the impact of Covid-19; and what businesses need to do to successfully position themselves in this vast, new market.
November 2020:
- Dr. Sanders, as Board Mentor of London-based Criticaleye, participated in global discussions with other non-executive directors current ESG issues and how to engage, adapt, address, and fully integrate into any business or organization
- Ambassador Sanders, in her role as CEO-FEEEDS, and her belief in ongoing educational enhancement, continued her knowledge management of Amazon Web Services (AWS), was invited to participate in AWS virtual series on its newest services. Similarly Adobe Creative also invited Sanders to its launch of its newest virtual platforms and products
- FEEEDS attended the Brazil-Africa 2020 Forum to highlight key south-south issues
- As part of next steps on Sudan, post-economic sanction lifting, Dr. Sanders will be part of a small group initially advising on one of the country's large agricultural schemes as it seeks to do trade with U.S. states. Ambassador Sanders had served in Sudan during her diplomatic career.
- Dr. Sanders was invited to participate in the special launch event hosted by the Africa Export Import Bank (Afrexim) of its new Repository Platform called MANSA, named after the great Timbuktu Emperor Mansa Musa. The launch was moderated by CNN anchor Eleni Giokos, with key speakers Afrexim President Benedict O. Oramah; President, Eco Bank MD/Group Ade Ayeyemi, and others. The new MANSA financial platform will standardize the complexities, cost and lack of standardization associated with conducting due diligence in African markets. MANSA also will provide the single source of primary data needed to perform CDD/KYC checks on counterparties on the continent. Afrexim sees the data that MANSA will manage as Africa’s "New Gold", with contributors gaining access to diverse sources of funding and business opportunity, while also enhancing investor confidence. MANSA will be a symbiotic platform along with Afrexim's new Pan-Africa Payment System (PAPS), which will allow for transactions on the continent to be done in respective local currencies of the buyer and seller.
October 2020:
- FEEEDS participates in the Atlantic Councils' "Africa Investment Forum", with key USG Agencies (DFC, USEXIM), President of Senegal & UNECA UnderSec/Exec-SEC,
The business arm of FEEEDS, FE3DS, LLC, participated in the Afrexim sponsored program to look at Africa's economic growth and ideological process with the session entitled "Africa and the Remaking of the New World Order".
- Sanders participated in the African Diaspora Investment Symposium entitled "Amplify Innovation and Investment Hubs in Africa", looking at impact of innovative solutions for the Continent
- FEEEDS involved in session on upcoming elections in Tanzania and Zanzibar including attendant democracy issues such as the overall examining of the human rights context, including prospects for election monitoring, and a look ahead on longer-term socio-economic implications for citizens. Tanzania's Oct 28 election outcome remains questionable.
- Dr. Sanders attends brief by Atlantic Council and the US International Development Finance Corporation on the current US commercial engagement in Africa, spotlighting which African markets & US investment efforts are underway. The brief featured Senegal's President Macky Sall, USG investment agencies from Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), and Prosper Africa
- Ambassador Sanders Keynotes Launch of New Africa Diaspora SME Trade & E-Commerce App "Kuueza", focused on US-Africa Diaspora Trade. Her keynote remarks highlighted the importance of both innovation and technology by small businesses (SMEs) in the Continent's economic development.
- Dr. Sanders invited to participate in this year's Africa Bankers Program on "Sustainable ESG+Finance in Africa", with CEOs of the 3 major African Stock Markets: Joburg's JSE, Nigeria's NSE, and Kenya's, Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE).
- FEEEDS attends the African Union COVID response Forum with Africa-CDC Head Dr. Nkesonga, Afrexim Chief Oramah, and Strive Masiyiwa, one of Africa's philanthropist and leading businessmen.
- Ambassador Sanders as an invitee to MIT's Solve programs attended its 2020 "MIT Solve 2020 Winners" session with Zoom's CIO Harry D. Mosely as keynote speaker.
- As a special guest, Sanders will attend Operation Hope's, the nation's leading financial inclusion NGO, annual 3-day program. Key sessions for FEEEDS were remarks by US Treasury Secretary (Mnuchin) NFL Commissioner Goddell, & CEOS from Paypal (Schulman), Delta (Bastion), Walmart (McMillion) & San Francisco 49ers (York)
- Dr. Sanders attended the 2020 IMF/World Bank Spring Virtual meetings, particularly its sessions on the future of uneven results to pulling economies out of COVID's impact
September 2020
- FEEEDS participated in key Session on "Economic Impacts of COVID on Africa", with UNDP Africa Chief Economist & Head of Strategy -- key 2020 takeaways: Africa's estimated export earnings loss is $500 billion; plus $4.2 billion in FDI left the Continent between February and April 2020.
- Dr. Sanders, as CEO-FEEEDS, had meetings with West Africa Trade Hub on how FEEEDS as a partner & member of ACBC can assist trade/market linkages with Africa Diaspora SMES.
- Amb. Sanders invited to participate in an Asia-Africa entrepreneurship conference and Global Human Rights event.
- As a strong SDG advocate and member of the UN Global Compact, FEEEDS participated in the "SDG Global Business Form", on the margins of the 2020 virtual UN meetings. Meetings fell under the theme "Decade to Deliver SDGs", seeking to leverage focus on SDGs as part of the COVID response.
- As part of FEEEDS' work and skill set on import of technology/digitization for Africa, it was invited to key meetings on the diaspora, connectivity, investment, and finance for the region and on a discussion on the two African candidates for the new WTO Sec-Gen organized PAFTRAC (Pan-African Private Sector Trade & Investment Committee).
- Participated in Global Climate Change Discussions on Climate Justice led by DEVEX
August 2020
- Participated in briefing on situation in Mali, post-coup
- Debriefed on Beirut's current bombing disaster, political & human rights environment
- As member of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Africa Diaspora Governance Group (ADGG), participated in session on the role of the Diaspora in impacting Democracy
- Invited to participate in Chatham House Briefing from WTO Sec-Gen Candidate Amina Mohammed on why she would be best new WTO Sec-Gen
US-Kenya Trade Talks de-brief
- Dr. Sanders moderates Africa Trade & Business Roundtable with United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Robert Lighthizer and Congressman Evans of Philadelphia. Roundtable also included other Congressional Representative from the Ways and Means Committee
Sanders' announced as new Board Mentor for London-based Criticaleye
- Dr. Sanders invited to participate in Aspen Security Forum 3-day National Security Conference to hear briefs on range of global issues from key speakers (WHO Director Dr. Tedros, Larry Summers, China Ambassador to U.S. Cui Tianka, Mayors of Atlanta (Keisha Lance Bottoms) and Miami (Francis Suarez), former NSA of India, Singapore Foreign Minister, & PM of Australia, etc.)
- CEO-FEEEDS joins ACBC of Greater Philadelphia in Congressman Evan's Africa Trade & Business Roundtable
- CEO-FEEEDS joins Chatham House meeting with World Trade Organization Director General candidate Amina Mohamed of Kenya
July 2020:
-- Chatham House, London. Briefing from the prospective candidate to be the next World Trade Organization (WTO), Secretary-General, Dr. Okonjo-Iwela
-- Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) meeting on "Blended Financing for Africa."
-- Aspen Security Forum briefing on US-China Relationship
-- UN Global Compact session on examining the impact of COVID-19 on the SDGs
-- HRW Global event on the future of the world, "The Future We Build Together."
July 2020 - FEEEDS wishes to both recognize and congratulate Gallup for its 100-Year Commitment to Listen to Black American Voices, which it announced on July 16, 2020. This commitment is part and parcel of Gallup's new Center on Black Voices. See link for more on this research initiative and the new center's mission.
July 2020 - As reported on Gallup's site, "This research initiative will be devoted to studying and highlighting the experiences of more than 40 million Black Americans: tracking and reporting on progress on life outcomes and a life well-lived."
See the links on the new Center on Black Voices and read about its Mission
July 2020 - Amb. Sanders-GALLUP World Poll Hold "The 7th Annual FEEEDS-GALLUP Africa Forum." This year's keynote speaker is Constance Hamilton, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa speaking on "Today’s US-Africa Trade Relationship," (AfCTA, Kenya Trade, AGOA, & Role of Small Business." See flyer on and event announcement at
June 2020 - Sanders Featured Speaker in June 25, 2020 Event on COVID-19 Impact on Africa Small Businesses (SMEs/MMEs). To register for the June 25, 2020 event at 10 a.m. (EST) and 5 p.m. East Africa Time (EAT) click here: Register via Zoom:
June 2020 - See Ambassador Sanders' article on the impact of COVID-19 on Africa's small businesses (aka SMEs) and FEEEDS' recommendation on what can be done now and beyond under its "Africa SSP," to help them reimagine, survive and thrive (click here for Sanders’ Blog & published article, article also appears on the Council on Foreign Relations).
June 2020 - Ambassador Sanders, along with project partners International Development Institute, will host an international virtual session on reimaging and refocusing financial resources for Africa small businesses (Africa SMEs) as a result of COVID and how the AfCTA can help.
June 2020 - FEEEDS participates discussions with Kenyan President Kenyatta on what his country has done and is doing to weather the health crisis and economic impact of COVID-19.
June 2020 - Ambassador Sanders' signs on to letter with 566+ former U.S. Ambassadors and U.S. Military Generals against the use of U.S. military force against civilians -- " the posse comitatus rule." See letter: /
June 2020 - FEEEDS included in session with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the U.S. Nat'l Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases, on where the US is now with COVID; impact of easing lockdowns; and the high potential for second wave.
June 2020 - Congratulations to the Philadelphia-based "Africa Business Roundtable," celebrating the annual Odunde Festival, which this year focused on the larger Africa Diaspora, working together & supporting each other not just during COVID, but beyond. Key speaker was the Ambassador of Ghana, who spoke passionately about the Diaspora as one. Dr. Sanders was honored to be invited to attend.
June 2020 - Sanders participates in virtual session with President of the Afrexim Bank, Dr. Benedict Oramah on the bank's USD$3 billion financial initiatives to assist African governments and private sector with COVID-19 impact.
June 2020 - AfCTA new Sec-General Mene underscores key role of trade agreement in Africa's post-COVID recovery in virtual session attended by Dr. Sanders.
June 2020 - As an invitee by London-based CriticalEye, key global business and board leaders discuss Globalization, Supply Chain and De-Globalization Planning for COVID-19 & Post-COVID eras.
June 2020 - FEEEDS is participating in the London-based CriticalEye event on the boards role in planning for recovery
May 2020 - Amb. Sanders virtually attend two conferences by London-based Criticaleye which did a deep-dive on global supply chain issues, COVID and post-COVID on both lesson learn, and need to re-imagine; and CriticalEye's Global Retreat on the theme of CEOs and role of leadership in navigating uncertain times.
May 2020 - Key Africa-COVID economic data point from non-attributable/Chatham House Rules Brief, Dr. Sanders was invited to participate: Continent needs $10b in direct health assistance (equipment, treatment & personnel) to address current crisis, only received $5b thus far. Africa COVID numbers as of end May 100,000+
May 2020 - World Food Program Director told virtual mtg food security advocacy groups, of which FEEEDS, represented by Dr. Sanders is one, that the combination of locust infestation in East Africa, and COVID's impact on breaking down global food supply chain are adding to nearly doubling the current figure of 30 million food insecure in Africa Region
May 2020 - Sanders participated in session with America's top Africa Diplomat, Assistant Secretary Nagey, who briefed on the current USG response and assistance to Africa during the COVID challenge
May 2020 - As FE3DS, LLC CEO, Dr. Sanders, who has worked on Nigerian aviation security for many years, attended the virtual Nigeria Aviation Sector meetings focused on airline services in the age of COVID.
May 2020 - FEEEDS steps and provides donations on Global #Giving Tuesday to organizations helping the fight against COVID, with special focus on frontline workers, with donation to one of the ER/ICU at Harlem Hospital. See
- Sanders invited to participate in CFA/Johns Hopkins Africa Center, Africa CDC, & Africa Stakeholers Session;
- Amb. Sanders participates in Corporate Council on Africa's virtual meeting on USG's Africa Response/Support on COVID-19, with USAID Africa Director Runyan;
- Conference Dialogue w/Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Africa Constance Hamilton on U.S.-Africa Trade
May 2020 - As an initiative focused on Africa Diaspora, FEEEDS was invited to participate in CFA-Johns Hopkins Africa Stakeholders dialogue with Africa CDC Director Dr. Nkengasong
April 2020 - Dr. Sanders participated in virtual Harvard-organized meeting w/Ghanaian President Akufo-Addo, Nigerian Vice President Osinbajo, hosted by global business leader-Harvard Visiting Professor Belo Osaige & CEO Clarke on enumerating effective Africa COVID practices (i.e. different for Africa's informal sector/communities that can't social distance); unique role/impact/use of IT in tracing, & need to rethink donor funding, i.e. Africa debt cancellation.
April 2020 - FEEEDS-CEO Sanders attends virtual briefings by the United States Agency for Development (USAID) to inform stakeholders on USG COVID assistance to African nations & World Bank COVID-specific financial packages & initiatives specifically targeted to help African Central Banks and Finance Ministers.
April 2020 - Department of Religious and Cultural Studies, University, Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, uses Dr. Sanders' book "Legendary Uli Women of Nigeria" as its text book for this semester's course African States and Societies.
April 2020 - Dr. Sanders participates in separate virtual meetings on COVID-19 impact on Africa and efforts to address/combat it with the Director of Africa CDC and with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Ecomonic Commission for Africa, Dr. Vera Songwe.
April 2020 - As member of human rights advisory board on US issues, Sanders participated in virtual discussions on COVID-19 continued impact on vulnerable workers and at-risk minority populations
Aprirl 2020 - Ambassador Sanders book "The Rise of Africa's Small and Medium Size Businesses" is under consideration as the text book for the business course at Catholic University
COVID-19: FEEEDS is "Feeding It Forward": Help Healthcare and Frontline Workers - We are donating to these sites: FeedtheFrontlinesNYC, Direct Relief & House of Ruth. See link for FEEEDS blog article how to help:
March 2020: See March 25, 2020 letter signed by 100 leading officials in the U.S. National Security sector, who are members of the prestigious American College of National Security Leaders (ACNSL - all calling for the operationalization of the Defense Production Act Now. Sanders signed in her capacity as a former U.S. Ambassador and as former Director for Africa at the National Security Council, along with many other well-known former U.S. military leaders, senior diplomats and national security professionals. Full text of letter can be found on the following well-respected sites: AllAfrica and the Wall Street Journal
March 2020: During COVID-19 FEEEDS is "FEEEDING IT FORWARD" by donating to these organizations:; Fooditforward; as well as the foodbank in our local area; you can check in your area for your local food bank. Depending on your circumstances consider reaching out and donating to organizations in your area or those nation-wide that provide meals to help our fellow Americans at this COVID-19 time. Stay well and safe!
March 19, 2020 - COVID-19 News:
FE3DS participates in official COVID-19 briefing on all U.S. Federal Initiatives to assist America's Small Businesses under 500 employees. Key Takeaways - U.S. small businesses can seek working capital low interest relief loans up to $USD2million from Small Business Administration (SBA). Initiative called Economic Injury/Disaster Relief Loan Program; one year repayment deferment. Make sure your state is applying; minimal requirement - only 5 businesses in your state have to be impacted for entire state to be eligible!
NB: Activities were pre-COVID-19 Pandemic:
March 2020 - Council on Foreign Relations US-Africa Policy 2020 - A Discussion
March 2020 - Wilson Center Africa National Security Symposium - Key takeaways for FEEEDS: US Officials says there is no wholesale departure of US Military from assisting Africa, even though there is a current military review of all programs. SEE FEEEDS' tweet:
February 2020 - Speaker event India, Thailand Human Rights Trip - Railway of Death Visit
February 2020 - Corporate Council on Africa: Africa's 2020 Economic Outlook - Key takeaways for FEEEDS: 45 of Africa's nations projected to grow at 3 percent; sluggish economies in 2020 will be Nigeria, South Africa & Angola
January 2020 - Brookings - (Policies Facing Africa in 2020 Economic Growth Program - Key takeaways for FEEEDS Most Africa nationa are off-track to reach 2030 UN SDGs goals
2019 News Archives
December 2019 - Ambassador Sanders wraps up her Rooney Scholar stint with major keynote on importance of Africa to the U.S. Click to see blog article:
November 2019 - Dr. Sanders as RMU Rooney Scholar gives speech on US-Africa issues at Pittsburgh's World Affairs Council
October 2019 - In this 400th year recognizing the arrival of the first ships in 1619 from Africa, carrying 20 African indentured servants, a refocus on Harriet Tubman's life and contributions is coming full circle. See article:
October 2019 - With the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (#CFTA) now enforced what can the US do to support & what more can Africa do: See article:
October 2019 - Sanders meets with Brazilian Speaker of the House and Foreign Minister during her human rights delegation trip to the country. Trip also included briefing on Brazil's political & economic situation and meetings with Amazon indigenous rights activists & former women prisoners
October 2019 - Ambassador Sanders travels to Brazil for Human Rights Conference
September 2019 -, the premier online news siste for ke Africa focus policy news published opinion article by Ambassador Sanders on role US Government can play to not only be a good partner as well as help the new Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) be as successful as pollible, especially as regards to helping SMEs (small businesses)
September 2019 - Ambassador Sanders speaks at Harriet Tubman Memorial in Marland at museum in her honor as part of 400th slavery commemoration program organized by Constituency for Africa
September - December - 2019 - Dr. Sanders serves as 2019 Rooney Visiting Scholar at Pittsburgs's Robert Morris University (RMU) lecturing on global issues and SDGs
August 2019 - Dr. Sanders US Delegation member to US Africa Trade Talks - AGOA Forum, Abidjan, West Africa
August 2019 - Dr. Sanders gifts two key paintings from her collection by famed Nigerian artist Nike Olundaye to Smithsonian. See link:
July 2019 - Ambassador Sanders meets with new Sierra Leonean and Namibian Ambassadors to the united States as part of a Contittutuency for Africa (CFA) Stakeholder Delegation
June-July 2019 - Dr. Sanders on FEEEDS Nigeria trip on ICT and power0
June - 2019 - Ambassador Sanders will be a delegate at the Human Rights Watch Council Summit, the annual global meeting of the world's leading human right's organizaton
May 2019 - Dr. Sanders participates in CFA-led Africa Diaspora meetings with Kenya's Foreign Minister, following signing of US-Kenya Strategic Dialogue Agreement
May 2019 - Dr. Sanders participates in Africa Diaspora session with Namibia's new Ambassador to the United States. Sanders served as chief of the U.S. Embassy's Political Section in Namibia during her diplomatic career
April 2019 - Sanders as CEO-FEEEDs, hosts panel at IGD Frontier 100 event on "Africa Womoen & Youth Small Business";(
April 2019 - See featured column article, first published in the prestigious, pan-Africa online media outlet,, written by former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, Dr. Robin Renee Sanders and the former Chairman of the U.S. Congress House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee, Ed Royce and on the importance of the U.S. Government's BUILD Act. The BUILD Act seeks to invigorate US-Africa economic ties: Africa: How the BUILD Act Can Invigorate U.S. Economic Ties
April 2019 - Ambassador Sanders attends roundtable discussion with new President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Felix Tshisekedi. Despite some problems with the elections, Tshisekedi is viewed by international community as DRC's first democratically-elected president.
April 2019 - As CEO-FEEEDs, Sanders is an invited guest to the World Bank and IMF 2019 Spring Meetings and will attend a variety of sessions ranging from challenges with the rise of sovereign debt for developing countries, the global economic showdown, issues around advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, Migration, and briefings on a range of development focus indices such as: "Ease of Doing Business," "Uncertainty Index," and the "Global Financial Index."
April 2019 - Dr. Sanders will moderate a key Africa-focused panel on "Women, Youth & Small & Medium Size Businesses," as part of the prestigious International Global Development (IGD)," Frontier 100, looking at development areas for the Africa Region
April 2019 - Sanders will also participate in business roundtables with the President of the Central African Republic, Finance Minister of Ghana, and Kenyan Minister of Trade.
March 2019 - Dr. Sanders at Catholic Baptist University (CBU) as a visiting scholar to lecture, teach, and give a public speech on the US-Africa relationship. See link for more information and pictures:
"Ambassador Sanders discussed Nigeria's 2019 elections and issue for the country's future on Voice of America, Al Jazeera, and China Global Television, February 20-25, 2019, prior to the announcement of the final election results February 26, 2019." Nigeria, Africa's largest economy and the country with Africa's largest population faced a close election. Key issues for the future of Nigeria remain the same for the new administration: improve the economy, provide job creation for its large young population, address the poverty many of its citizen's face, and provide better health and education services, along with continuing the fight against corruption. See links below for key post-election factoids and Sanders appearance on media shows prior to the announcement of the final 2019 elections. Click below for links:
Sanders' election-related blogs:
Ambassador Sanders on the Elections in Senegal - Straight Talk Africa, VOA
Ambassador Sanders: Nigerians Are Resilient - Straight Talk Africa, VOA
Dr. Sanders on China Global Television Network - The Heat, CGTN
Dr. Sanders on Al Jaeera - Newshour
Ambassador Sanders' article on Nigeria Elections
March 2019 - Dr. Sanders will serve as a Visiting Scholar at California Baptist University
Dr. Sanders under an endowment in her late mother's name supports a RMU student to intern at South Africa's famed African Leadership Academy (ALA) to learn about Africa, enabling her to meet other young leaders from the region, and also be able to share more of what Africa is really about, dispelling many stereotypes and lack of knowledge about the region in her various communities and elsewhere. Sanders will be supporting a member of her FEEEDS staff to participate in ALA's Model African Union Conference March 2019. See testimonial:
2017/2018 News Archives
- Sanders spoke at the U.S. Institute for Peace in Washington, D.C. on the leadership legacy of Ambassador Princeton Lyman
- Ambassador Sanders, as part of a delegation of the Constituency for Africa, met with Mali's new Ambassador to the United States
December 2018
- Ambassador Sanders traveled to Nigeria to meet with various leaders and officials ahead of the upcoming Nigeria elections
November 2018
- Dr. Sanders served as an Africa expert panelist at the US Confucius Center in Washington D.C., which focused on Africa-China-US dynamics and relationship. Sanders stressed that it is Africa that has to determine that relationship in best interest of its people and nations
- Dr. Sanders was invited to participate in this year's "2020 Women on Boards," conference held in Pittsburgh. The annual "2020 Women on Boards," conference is held annually since 2015 to push for a 20 percent increase in women on corporate and public boards by 2020
CEO-FEEEDS, Ambassador Robin Sanders and GALLUP Managing Partner, Jon Clifton will again co-host their annual Africa Forum, which focus on key development issues facing the Continent. 2018 is the Forum's 5th year, with this year's theme being "New Approaches to Educating Africa's Next Generation." Click link to read about event: 201811260687.html
Also see VOA About the Event: Esther Githui-Ewart interviews former U.S. Ambassador Robin R. Sanders on 2018 program
October 2018
- Ambassador Sanders traveled to Beirut, Lebanon for human rights meeting with Lebanon's President, meeting with human rights advocates and local leaders, to see Syrian refugee camps, and visit the Bekka Valley
September 2018
- Sanders participated in 2018 Concordia Event on Global Issues on margins of the United Nations General Assembly
- Amb. Sanders participated in "Africa Business & Investment" Forum hosted by Kuramo Capital & "Nigeria is Open for Business" Forum, and launch of Zenith Bank CEO Ovia's book "Africa: Rise & Shine," on margins of UN General Assembly July 2018 - Ambassador Sanders to address Somali Community in Minneapolis/St. Paul on Somalia's 2020 elections
- Amb. Sanders invited to attend South African President Ramaposa's "Business, Investment & Economic," Forum on South Africa's current economic environment, investment opportunities and doing business in the new South Africa
July 2018 - Ambassador Sanders to address Somali Community in Minneapolis/St. Paul on Somalia's 2020 elections
July 2018 - Amb. Sanders continues philanthropic education efforts in Africa, with both African students on the Continent and African American students from Pittsburgh's Robert Morris University going to Africa to one of the best and new approach African educational institutions on the Continent - The African Leadership Academy (ALA) in South Africa. See YouTube video on support to the African Leadership Academy
and ALA also is highlighted in the chapter on the need to new approaches to African education in her most recent book "The Rise of Africa's Small and Medium Size Enterprises," (click link to see book) along with Ghana's great Ashesi University. Both schools represent the best for the future of African education. Sanders' FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative, along with renown and respected partner Gallop World Poll, will have key speaker from both institutions at their annual Africa program which will hold on November 29, 2018.
June 2018 - Sanders in Lagos and Abuja Nigeria, attends Venture Garden Group (VGG) Silicon Valley like complex opening with Nigeris's Vice President Osinbajo
VGG founders/owners (R); Sanders, a Director & Board member (L) and Board Chairman (L). VGG's innovative center is unlike anything else in Nigeria and is model innovation Silicon valley-like concept recently opened and praised by Nigeria's Vice President
May 2018 - Ambassador Sanders serves as keynoter for Morgan State University's Inaugural Africa Conference. Conference focus was on Africa as an emerging market, region with a growing middle class and consumer.
May 2018 - Sanders participates in discussions with visiting Kenyan Minister for Industry and Trade focused on Africa's new trade agree,emt. tje CFTA, and Kenya's 4 areas of focus for development and business growth.
April 2018 - Sanders participated in Harvard's Africa Center program and discussion on public leadership and Africa's development agenda.
April 2018 - Ambassador Sanders participates in Harvard's Africa Center "Africa Leaders Speak," events. Key speakers were former Nigerian President Obasanjo and former Tanzanian President Kikewti.
April 2018 - Sanders serves speaking at Nigerian Embassy program entitled "Nigeria Open for Business," on tech, smart cities, infrastructure
April 2018 - Dr. Sanders participated in Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) on Next Steps on Global Development
April 2018 - Ambassador Sanders' attend Corporate Council on Africa's Annual Membership Luncheon
April 2018 - Sanders attends the "Technopreneurs" session at John Hopkins #SAIS
See video on Amb. Sanders, AU Ambassador to US and Amb. Brigety et. al discussing US-China-Africa relations at the Confucius US Institute:
See video of Ambassador Sanders discussing US-Nigeria relations on Nigeria's leading network "Channels TV"
March 2018 - Ambassador Sanders & African Union Ambassador to the U.S. Ambassador to the U.S. Ambassador Chihombori Quai at the Wash DC "Confucius Center," to discuss China-Africa relations, & where that leaves the U.S. Sanders will highlight China's focus on small business and the development sectors as highlighted in her book The Rise of Africa's Small & Medium Size Enterprises.
March 2018 - Amb. Sanders will do a one week training in Nigeria with women entrepreneurs with the African Hub International.
February 2018 - Ambassador Sanders participates in stakeholder discussion on Nigeria's upcoming 2019
February 2018 - Ambassador Sanders was Tidewater Community College (TCC) 2018 Black History Month speaker on the topic of "The Global Landscape & Your Role In It." See blog entry and video:
February 2018 - Dr. Sanders is participating in a USIP panel on Nigeria as the country, like so many other SSAfrican countries, will have elections in 2019.
February 2018 - Sanders speaking at Georgetown University at its annual Africa Business Conference focus on key issues such as small business, the power sector and development.
February 2018 - Dr. Sanders will appear at two book signing events in Houston, TX - Gite Gallerly & Ogun Art.
January 2018 - Dr. Sanders on Voice of America's "Straight Talk Africa," program on President Trump's Africa Policy on the anniversary of the end of his first year in office. 4222369.html
January 2018 - #StandingWith Africa. Seventy-eight former U.S. Ambassadors to Africa (including Sanders) sign on to letter to President Trump on reported derogatory remarks about Africa.
Janaury 2018 - Sanders on Al Jazeera English on recent reported White House comments on Africa. https://mediaview.aljazeera. com/video/6s1C8vR5o5
January 2018 - Amb. Sanders speaks at Georgetown's The Distinguished Practitioners Series, with future Foreign Service Officers, discussion will also include Sanders book "The Rise of Africa's Small & Medium Size Enterprises." see flyer:
January 2018 - FEEEDS/Sanders is #StandingWithAfrica - Regarding reports attributed to the White House about Africa & other countries of color:
December 11 & 12, 2017 - Ambassador Sanders hosted two Lagos Nigeria book events: Venture Garden Group, a leading Nigerian SME held a book event for Sanders on Dec 11, 2017 new book on impact of Africa's SMEs with young Nigerian, up and coming SMEs; and Dec 12, leading African business leader hosted Sanders for a wide ranging discussion on Africa's SMEs and the current US-Africa relationship and US policy toward Africa, which continually worries many as it appears the US is stepping back from its past wide ranging involvement in the region.
December 2017 - Lagos Ambassador Sanders discusses current US-Africa Relations at Roundtable event
December 2017 - Lagos Event on Sanders Africa SME Book at Casa Lydia:
December 2017 - Dr. Sanders visits and meets with the leadership and students at the renowned entrepreneurially-focused Africa Leadership Academy (ALA) in Johannesburg, South Africa
November 2017 - Ambassador Sanders visit solar energy sites of SmarterGrid International (SGI), Imbeji-Lekki, Nigeria. Sanders is a director of SGI and AGI is a member of the UN GLobal Compact Hope life is good!!
November 2017 - Sanders Book on Africa SMEs featured in prestigious Publishers Weekly Magazine, a national magazine focused on quality books & the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) "In Their Own Write," series highlighting key books by former U.S. diplomats - November 2017
November 2017 - After choosing Dr. Sanders' book on the impact and importance of Africa's small and medium size enterprises as a quality book on business development in the developing world, "Top Link Publisher" focuses its social media campaigning efforts on highlighting Sanders' book. Click links below to see Top Link Publisher's pages social media pages on Ambassador Sanders' book "The Rise of Africa's Small & Medium Size Enterprises."
November 2017 - CSIS session with Kenya former Presidential Candidate Odinga on recent Kenyan election issues, problems & next steps
November 2017 - Diaspora Session with the new Chairman of the African Union
November 2017 - World Affairs Council - Author's Series - Book Event: "The Rise of Africa's Small and Medium Size Enterprises" Spurring Development & Growing the Middle Class." Discussion with guest moderator, Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield
November 2017 - Nigeria Trade Council, Atlanta, Georgia - Keynote on importance of US - Africa Relationship for Nigeria
December 2017 - Johannesburg, South Africa - Book Event: "The Rise of Africa's Small and Medium Size Enterprises" Spurring Development & Growing the Middle Class."
October 2017 - DACOR Beacon House Critical Issues Forum - Impact of Africa's Small & Medium Size Enterprises on Development
September 2017 - American University Summer Workshop Students - US Africa
September 2017 - Lecture, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh - Keynote on Importance of Entrepreneurship - The Case of Africa. Ambassador Robin Sanders & Growing the Middle Class." & See video at:
September 2017 - New Video Release on Sanders book on Impact of Africa's Small Businesses on region's development. The new video release on the book, "The Rise of Africa's Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Spurring Development & Growing the Middle Class," is out now (see link).
August 2017 - US Chamber of Commerce hosts Amb. Sanders as panelist on Impact of Afrcia SMEs at its Washington, D.C. Headquartes as part of outreach to the President Young Africa Leaders Program (YALI)
May 2017 - May 2017 - GALLUP World Poll Hosts Amb. Robin Sanders Book "Rise of Africa's Small & Meduim Size Enterprises," See Full Story at:
May 2017 - Gallup World Poll hosts Ambassador Sanders WashDC Book Launch for her new book "The Rise of Africa SMEs," or small businesses: see press release & twitter feed on event:
May 2017 Amb. Sanders on Voice of American Discussing her new book - The Rise of Africa Small & Medium Size Enterprises (small businesses) 549.html
May 2017 Human Rights International Conference - Japan
May 2017 - Minority Enterpreneur Advocacy Award from MEA Magazine
April 2017 - World Bank Spring Meetings - Presenting on the UN SDGs-SME link as part of the WANDA panel.
April 2017 - Sanders on Opportunities for US-Africa Relations with New U.S. Administration & Her New Book "The Rise of Africa's Small & Medium Size Enterprises," with Television Continental (TVC), Nigeria.
April 2017 - Office of the Mayor of Atlanta & Georgia Council of International Visitors, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2017
April 2017 - Guest at 2017 World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings
April 2017 - African Finance Minister Roundtable, margins of World Bank - Finance Ministers of Cameroon, Rwanda, Ghana & South Africa with Vice President of Ghana, April 2017
April 2017 - TED Talk on Role of Small and Medium Size Enterprises - Atlanta,
April 2017 - Atlanta Launch of Sanders new book "The Rise of Africa's Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Spurring Development & Growing the Middle Class". Host Georgia Council of International Visitors & Gallery Miriam
April 2017April 2017 - Sanders on Al Jazeera discussing additional release of Chibok girls
March 2017 - Sanders receives "Diplomatic Leader Award" in agriculture advocacy from IamWanda's International Women's Day event, March 2017
March 2017 - Duquesne University's 2017 Visiting Scholar - week long lectures and speech, March 2017
March 2017 - Ambassador Sanders presents at TEDxTALK Emory on the Key Role Africa's Small & Medium Size Enterprises are playing in advancing the development of the Sub Saharan Africa Region and their role in growing Africa's Middle Class - presentation highlights this "good news story" about the region. Click Below to see Sanders TEDxTALK on the subject:
Febuary - 2017 TEDxTalk VCU Presentation Title: Endangered Cultural Patterns, Symbols & Motifs – The Importance of Their Non-Verbal Communication - In her first of two TEDX Talks - Ambassador Robin Sanders highlights the importance of protecting endangered sign, symbol and motif systems around the world, noting that what she calls these non-verbal "communication expressions," are just as important to the global community as written languages. This TEDxTalk was based Nigeria's disappearing symbol and motif systems called "Uli," on which she also wrote a book called "The Legendary Uli Women of Nigeria." See video on blog or on youtube:; and at
February 2017 - Sanders comments in & on her blog article on the importance of the Africa position at the White House National security Council :; and
February 2017 - Amb. Sanders' Al Jazeera Article: Gambia Next Step & No Impunity for Jammeh:
January 2017 - Ambassador Sanders on Al Jazeera English on Gambia's political crisis Jan 18-19, 2017
Appears on Nigeria's TVC news discussing US-Africa relations & New US Administration Jan 21, 2017
January 2017 - Attends inauguration of 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, January 20, 2017
January 2017 - Attends London human rights conference
2016 News Archives:
Ambassador Discusses Africa Policy Now and For the New Administration on Voice of America, November 30, 2016
Dr. Sanders moderates panel in Philly on Financial Program for Diaspora SMEs, November 2016
Ambassador Sanders was key panelist on Future US-Africa policy for the next US Administration at George Washington University Elliot Center October 2016
Dr. Sanders present a keynote at Yale University's International Women's Leaders Conference, October 2016
Sanders will do a week's residence at Lindenwood University as a visiting scholar, October 2016
As CEO-FEEEDS, Dr. Sanders will present at the World Bank's NGO Forum, October 2016
As Distinguished Public Service Scholar at Robert Morris University (RMU), Dr. Sanders present on RMU's global outlook as a 21st Century University, welcoming RMU's new President.
Sanders attends Global Human Rights session, October 2016
Lecturer & Keynote Speaker, Lindenwood College, Missouri, October 2016
Ambassador Sanders will serve as a delegate to both the Climate Action Summit and Sustainable Investment Session at the United Nations, September 2016
AGOA Ministerial, Member of USTR Africa Advisory Committee, August 2016
VOA's Esther Githui Ewart discusses the political instability in South Sudan with Ambassador Sanders on Political Instability in South Sudan:
Ambassador Sanders Discusses Current South Sudan Crisis on: Aljazeera English: and Nigeria's Television Continental:
See News Clips on the FEEEDS-Gallup Event on Africa Diaspora SMEs:
Ambassador's article with Gallup's Africa Director on Key Africa Development Data:
Diplomatic Courier Newspaper:
CEO-FEEEDS & Gallup's Jon Clifton Hosts Africa SME Business Forum. Click here to read more:
Amb. Sanders attends US Chamber American Business Center Program on Today's Africa Business Environment, July 2016
Sanders will meet in small private group meeting with Nigerian Stock Exchange Chairman to hear his views on Nigeria's current economic environment, July 2016
Dr. Sanders will attend meeting with Nigeria's Sultan of Sokoto, July 2016
Ambassador Sanders, CEO-FEEEDS joins Gallup for Key Event on Africa SMEs. President Obama's Special Assistant on Africa opens FEEEDS-GALLUP event: See Press Release: FEEEDS-GALLUP Hosts 3rd Africa Forum, July 14, 2016; Media Partner
Ambassador Sanders speaks at Clinton School of Public Service on importance of U.S.-Africa Relations
Dr. Sanders addresses RMU's cyber security students at The Washington Conference Center
Gallup-FEEEDS Event at Gallup Headquarters, July 2016
"Power Lunch" Show, June 9, 2016, to discuss impact of recent attachs by the new militant group in the oil-rich Niger Delta Region called "Niger Delta Avengers," who have been attacking both oil and gas pipelines in the region, with seven attacks since February 2016. Sanders noted the different goals and objectives of this new Niger Delta militant 2.0, as they are calling for the separation of the region from the rest of the country in order to ensure the revenue from the oil resources are better utilized to help improve the lives of those in the region from education to health services on to of job creation.
Keynote Speaker, Clinton Policy Institute, Arkansas, May 2016
Jakarta, Indonesia, International Visitor Mission, April 2016
Ambassador Sanders briefs Congresswoman Karen Bass on Africa Trade, Investment & Diaspora SME Issues on the Hill as part of a CFA Delegation, March 2016
Ambassador Sanders attends rounds of Africa Diaspora Meetings with Key U.S. Goverment Leadership: White House, USAID, CFA, March 2016
Ambassador Sanders in conversation with President Obama, March 2016
Ambassador Sanders with President Obama, March 2016
Dr. Sanders keynote speech at Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, New York, March 2016
Ambassador Sanders to receive the "Diplomatic Leader Award" from Sister Cities International, March 2016
Ambassador Sanders on Al Jazeera English on Niger 2016 President Elections and Boko Haram Impact on Region, February 14, 2016
Ambassador Sanders on Al Jazeera English on Feb. 9-10 Boko Haram Attacks in Northern Nigeria, February 11, 2016
Speaker on "Global Youth" CEO John Hope Bryant, January 2016
Recent Events & Media Appearances 2015:
-- Dr. Sanders serves as Visiting Lecturer at Bendictine University (Chicago) on US-Africa Relations, U.S. National Security, and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Her Keynote Speech focuses on Why Africa is Important to U.S.
From 2013 - July 2015
-- Ambassador Sanders, CEO-FEEEDS was a featured subject matter expert on Al Jazeera America to discuss the growing security threats along the Sahel region of Africa. She highlights linkages of Nigeria's Boko Haram and the Islamic State. Click here to see show:
-- Dr. Sanders articles on Huffpost & on Nigerian President Buharia First 120 days:
-- Ambassador Sanders attending/participating in following UN mtgs Sept 2015:
a.)General Assembly
b.)US Chamber Africa Initiative Launching
c.)Chaired Int'l African NGO panel on UN SDG's by Nigeria & Kenya.
d.)Nigerian Higher Education Event Recognizing former INEC Chair Prof. Jega.
e.) Presenting on Africa Security - Nigeria Issues at FACE event.
f.) Chairing a UN-connected session in NYC on Social Accountability for Poverty Redection, September 2015.
g.) Serving as opening speaker and panelist at UN-connected session on Combating Persistent Threats to Africa Peace & Security.
-- Ambassador Sanders Statement on the Untimely Passing of Nigeria's Ambassador to the United States - Professor Adebowale Ibidapo Adefuye. See link:
-- Dr. Sanders serves on panel on Central Africa Republic at US Institute for Peace, July 2015
-- Dr. Sanders on China's CCTV discussing the June 2015 African Union Summit and issues facing the Continent important for the Summit to address. She highlights the AU needs to be able to better translate their resolutions on the ground, be flexible & have quick reaction to new and crises. Click the link to listen to her comments on CTV's "The Heat," news magazine show
Ambassador attends President Obama's White House event on AGOA on eve of his historic Kenyan Trip, July 2015
Ambassador Sanders attends range of events for Nigerian President Buhari, July 2015
Dr. Sanders July 2015 Interviews on Pres Obama's Historic Africa Trip; China Cable Newwork; Al Jazeera America
Amb Sanders articles on Nigeria's recent elections & Inauguration of President Buhari:
Dr. Sanders travel on fact-finding mission to Central African Republic, June 2015
Amb. Sanders serves on Brookings Panel on Nigerian Elections, June 2015
Keynote Speaker at 19th Wole Soyinka Lecture: Imperitives for Building Strong African Democracies, June 2015
Human Rights Watch Global Summit, June 2015
Dr. Sanders attends Nigerian President Buhari's Inauguration, May 2015
Dr. Sanders Travels to Cuba on educational tour, April 2015
FEEEDS-Gallup-Allafrica Post-Nigerian Election April 9 Program - Unique Event; Polling Data Highlights Voters Views;@ The FEEEDS Index Launched:
FEEEDS-Gallup-Allafrica pre-event article by Sanders & Loschky: Big Chance and Challenges Post Election - Survey
Ambassador Sanders serves as official election observer for Nigeria's 2015 election, March 2015
Ambassador Sanders on Al Jazeera English (AJE) from Doha discussing Nigeria's March 28, 2015 election issues, calls for non-violent "free and fair election" with an outcome believable by the Nigerian voters. Click here to see news show:
Clip of Ambassador Sanders Nigerian election interview on Channels TV
Ambassador Robin Sanders HuffPost Article: US-Africa Relations, Key Elements Following US-Africa Summit
Ambassador Sanders Gives Keynote Speech at Gannon University on Elements of US-Africa Relations Following the Historic US-Africa Summit; & Lectures on Key Role of Africa in Current Global Landscape
October 26-31, 2014 - Visiting Scholar Gannon University
See Ambassador Sanders on MSNBC: Food Security-Ebola Nexus-
Ambassador Sanders on CCTV (China Cable Television) discusses current Ebola crisis and next steps that need to be addressed and focused on to stop the spread in the U.S. and West Africa. Sanders served in Republic of Congo during three Ebola outbreaks and notes lessons learned:
Ambassador Sanders provides Al Jazeera America with Updates on Boko Haram:
Al Jazeera America’s The Stream, August 4, 2014:
Al Jazeera America News 8:30 am August 5, 2014 interview:
Al Jazeera America’s The Stream, August 4, 2014 :
CCTV (China Cable TV):
NPR Boston - 90.9
FEEEDS Highlighted in July 30 for White Paper on Upcoming US-Africa Summit from Gallup July 10 Forum
Amb. Sanders on ARISE TV Discusses Upcoming US-Africa Leaders Summit
Amb. Sanders on AJAM - Wither Chibok Girls 100 Days Later
August 2014 - Dr. Sanders to attend several official US-Africa Summit events, including on Food Security and AGOA
August 2014 - CEO-FEEEDS opening, along with others, AGOA CSO Network Conference
July 2014 - Ambassador Sanders moderates Congressmawoman Bass Town Hall Breakfast on Boko Haram issues
Ambassador Sanders Notes Historic Nature of Upcoming US-Africa Leaders' Summit
FEEEDS-Gallup and Partners Launch 1st Forum Ahead of US-Africa Leaders' Summit
Ambassador Sanders Underscores Importance of Keeping Boko Haram Issue at Cong. Bass' Congressional Town Hall: Press Release; Video from event; Images from event
CEO - FEEEDS Ambassador Sanders Key Partner in Gallup Poll Africa Forum with
July 2014 - Amb. Sanders, CEO-FEEEDS co-host first pre-US-Africa Summit Forum with Gallup Poll,
June 2014 - Sanders testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Africa Sub Committee on Nigeria and Boko Haram Issues
Ambassador Sanders on Al Jazeera June 30, 2014 on Boko Haram unabated attacks and kidnapping
Dr. Sanders on Boko Haram - Highlights Northeast Nigerian Vigilante Groups as Elements on FEEEDS' Human Rights Watch List:
Dr. Sanders on New York City June 24 WNYC Radio Program on Abuja & Kano Bombings:
Ogebe, Sanders, Others Testify Against Boko Haram Before US Congress
FEEEDS,, and Africa Society at Gallup Headquarters on US-Africa Summit
Dr. Sanders submitted U.S.Testimony on Boko Haram (#BringBackOurGirls):
FEEEDS-CEO Testifies Before US Congress June 11, 2014 on Boko Haram Issues:
FEEEDS-CEO Discusses US-Africa Trade at Philadelphia's African-Caribbean Business Roundtable June 2014
May 2014 - Sanders Testifies before House Foreign Affiars Sub Committee on Situation in Central Africa Republic
May 2014 - Nigeria Trip for WEF
Amb. Sanders on Nigeria's ChannelsTV - SME's Leaders & Diaspora Issues Missing From WEF Agenda:
Ambassador Sanders on MSNBC - Interview on Boko Haram, #BringBackOurGirls, May 15, Live from Lagos
Ambassador Sanders on MSNBC 11:30 am EST May 15 on Boko Horam Video, US Assistance
Ambassador Sanders on BBC Boko Haram, #BringBackOurGirls, Notes Types of Assistance Nigeria Needs (interview starts midway, after report on South Sudan):
Sanders on Bloomberg News May 9, 12:30 pm Abuja Time
Ambassador Sanders on Diane Rehm Show on Nigerian Abducted Girls, May 8, 2014:
Economic Forum, Visits to Economic Development Projects
Importance of Regional Integration Remarks @ US-Africa Trade Conference, May 2014, Miami
Ambassador Sanders on VOA Straight Talk Africa Program on Boko Haram Abduction of Girls (#BringBackOurGirls) May 7, 2014:
Ambassador Discusses Abduction of Young Nigerian Girls; US Assistance-Live from Abuja:
Sanders' testimony on CAR before the U.S. Congress Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Initiative, M
Ambassador Sanders Highlights Issues Nigeria faces with Boko Haram April 2014 Attacks
Ambassador Sanders discuss 20th Anniversary-Rwanda Genocide on Al Jazeera
FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative & Operation HOPE Co-Host Key 2014 World Bank Civil Society Forum on New Technologies & Financial Literacy Tools for Global At-Risk Communities
May 2014:
FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative & Operation HOPE Co-Host Key 2014 World Bank Civil Society Forum
Dr. Sanders Discusses Conflict on CAR on VOA
Sanders on AlJazeera panel of Central African Republic
Lagos Media coverage of FEEEDS/Sanders on SME development:
Sanders's interview with Nigeria's Business Day - on Nigeria's Economic Development
YouTube Video: Bank of Industry Empowers Entrepreneurs - Nov 6, 2013
Business Day: BOI, Western Union, others foster financial growth for SMEs - Nov 7, 2013