FEEEDS Initiative & FE3DS, LLC

CEO Ambassador Robin Renee Sanders


In Pursuit of Change....For Africa's Economic and Business Development

1875 Eye Street, NW * Suite 500 * Washington, DC 20006 * Contact: fe3dsllc@gmail.com. FEEEDS Articles @ www.blogitrrs.blogspot.com; GoGreen! Send letters via email/use Contact Us Tab. Beware! Fraudulent TEXT & EMAILS - Claiming to be from Amb. Sanders. They are fraud scams, mostly from Nigeria, but also from other overseas & US Locations. They use Amb. Sanders name & likeness to defraud. See our Fraud Alert Tab. You can report cases to FBI 419 SCAM at: spam@uce.gov or your local law enforcement

Nigeria-related: 2015 Elections, News, Articles, Media Interviews, and Speeches


-- Dr Sanders' June 2015 Keynote Address Wole Soyinka 19th Lecture Series: http://blogitrrs.blogspot.com/2015/06/dr-sandersimperatives-of-building.html

-- Amb. Sanders' Keynote Address May 2015 Deepening Nigeria's Democracy Post 2015 Elections, Rivers State: http://blogitrrs.blogspot.com/2015/05/after-nigerias-power-transfer-what-will.html 

Amb. Sanders articles on Nigeria's recent election & Inauguration of President Buhari:  


--Amb Sanders speaks out on Al Jazeera America on the anniversary of the kidnapping the 247 Chibok girls, highlighting the work of the #bringbackourgirls effort role in keeping issue alive and also as an umbrella campaign for all young girls affected by the Boko Haram insecurity in the Northeast of Nigeria. http://america.aljazeera.com/watch/shows/live-news/2015/4/one-year-later-the-girls-abducted-by-boko-haram-are-still-not-found.html

-- Amb. Sanders articles on Nigeria's recent election & Inauguration of President Buhari  

-- Sanders speech on "Deepening Nigeria's Democracy" http://www.thisdaylive.com/articles/nigeria-s-place-in-africa-s-democratic-growth-striving-to-be-a-more-perfect-union/210718/

--  FEEEDS-Gallup-Allafrica Post-Nigerian Election April 9 Program - Successful Unique Event; Polling Data Highlights Voters Views; @The FEEEDS Index Launched:  http://allafrica.com/stories/201504081819.html

 --FEEEDS-Gallup-Allafrica pre-event article by Sanders & Loschky:  Big Chance and Challenges Post Election - Survey

--  Ambassador Sanders Huffington Post article: Nigeria's Election: A Seismic Political Shift:


 -- Dr. Sanders on Al Jazeera English (AJE) from Doha discussing Nigeria's March 28, 2015 election issues, calls for non-violent "free and fair election" with an outcome believable by the Nigerian voters. Click here to see news show: https://app.box.com/s/bl702gw65stlbsfvm79l5gqhg9pnjm66

-- Clip of Ambassador Sanders Nigerian Election Interview on Channels TV https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FTpp0RNu0C8

--  Dr. Sanders Discusses Nigeris's postponed elections on Al Jazeera America https://ajam.boxcn.net/s/j92ypznh5arvpnnjyzofbp1z0ebmkaq8

-- Dr. Sanders comments on postponement of Nigeria's February 14, 2015 elections  http://we.tl/hBQmVlDgT5

-- Ambassador Sanders' apearance on Nigeria's Channels TV's leading news magazine show, Sunrise Today, December 6, 2014 on current tension in the US-Nigeria relationship (Sanders' clip begins at minute 7:53-12:50 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O32vXzaFCx8)



For older Nigeria-related news, Nigeria-related media clips, speeches or comments on Boko Haram see specialized subject matter menu tab pages on left of website.