FEEEDS Initiative & FE3DS, LLC

CEO Ambassador Robin Renee Sanders


In Pursuit of Change....For Africa's Economic and Business Development

1875 Eye Street, NW * Suite 500 * Washington, DC 20006 * Contact: fe3dsllc@gmail.com. FEEEDS Articles @ www.blogitrrs.blogspot.com; GoGreen! Send letters via email/use Contact Us Tab. Beware! Fraudulent TEXT & EMAILS - Claiming to be from Amb. Sanders. They are fraud scams, mostly from Nigeria, but also from other overseas & US Locations. They use Amb. Sanders name & likeness to defraud. See our Fraud Alert Tab. You can report cases to FBI 419 SCAM at: spam@uce.gov or your local law enforcement

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TEDxTalk VCU Presentation Title: Endangered Cultural Patterns, Symbols & Motifs – The Importance of Their Non-Verbal Communication - In her first of two TEDX Talks - Ambassador Robin Sanders highlights the importance of protecting endangered sign, symbol and motif systems around the world, noting that what she calls these non-verbal "communication expressions," are just as important as to the global community as written languages. She also notes that endangered communication expressions, should be have a similar world effort to preserve and protect them along the lines of what is done for endangered species and wildlife. Her end points in this TEDxTalk is twofold: there is a need to create a world list/index of endangered sign, symbol, and motif systems in order to ensure more effort is made to preserve and protect them. Her TEDXTalk provided a window on this issue through her presentation on one of Nigeria's disappearing symbol and motif systems called "Uli," on which she also wrote a book called "The Legendary Uli Women of Nigeria." View video on blog or on youtube: http://blogitrrs.blogspot.com/2017/06/dr-sanderss-tedxtalk-endangered.html; and at https://youtu.be/h0k9waV3UII

Book Cover Photo - The Legendary Uli Women of Nigeria -

By Ambassador (Dr.) Robin Renee Sanders

See video of Dr. Sanders discussing importance of cultural traditions like Uli, as well as hear the Uli women discuss  their beloved Uli practice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JfJ8KwEF2jI

Dr. Sanders' Uli Book Launch, Big Hit in Nigeria - See Media Clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX6lX0PL874

Order Hardcover or E-Book http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0132247037/The-Legendary-Uli-Women-of-Nigeria.aspx

See Book Excerpt: http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKU-0132247037/The-Legendary-Uli-Women-of-Nigeria.aspx

A few pictures from the book:

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 Dr. Sanders with Uli Legend Ifeatu,  in front of the Uli-motifed Iyi Azi Shrine, Nri, Nigeria


 Nri Odinani Museum - home of many older of Uli-motifed artifacts, Nri, Nigeria


 Nri's Iguaro Opening Ceremonies - Beginning of the Igbo New Year


 Uli Legend Lebe Nwekedi, Inyi, Nigeria


 Dr. Sanders with the late Uli Legend Ezaifo Okaro who passed away April 2014